
Welcome!  On this site you will find countless resources to assist you in the historically informed performance of Gregorian chant.  The assorted links and articles on the home page may leave you wondering where to start.  The Proper of the Mass for Sundays and Feasts in Proportional Rhythm is the heart of this website.  At the top of that page you will find a concise table of Note Values and Their Equivalents in Modern Notation and a two-page document titled Rudiments of Gregorian Chant, which are sufficient to get you starting singing from my editions.  The Table of Neumes and Table of Neumatic Elements cover matters in greater detail.

If your interest lies more in the theoretical than the practical, you may wish to begin with the primary sources concerning Written Evidence for the Decline and Loss of the Authentic Traditional Rhythm or The Received Historical Narrative in order to understand how alterations and errors crept in over successive centuries.  The Value of Laon 239 demonstrates the excellence of one of the oldest extant sources not only on account of its antiquity but even more so on account of its notational clarity and precision.  My page on Repercussion shows the evidence for how repeated notes were sung.

If polemics are more your style, Gregorian Rhythm Wars might be the best staring point.  My Chant Glossary and Who's Who in Gregorian Chant pages may be of fairly general interest.  If you’re looking for the manuscripts themselves, then check out my Manuscripts page.  As far as a printed edition is concerned, seasonal paperback volume 1 is now available, with the remaining six volumes to follow soon.  My goal is to have a single hardback volume for the whole year available in 2026.  My e-mail addresses can be found toward the bottom of the About page, and I would be happy to hear from you.