in memory of Dr. Jan van Biezen, 1927–2021
Special Announcement: Several seasonal volumes of chants are now available for purchase at Amazon and Lulu.
Proper of the Mass for Sundays and Feasts in Proportional Rhythm
Thirteen Offertory Chants (with verses); includes both Gregorian and modern notation for each chant
Rudiments of Gregorian Chant in proportional rhythm (PDF); for a similar introduction to the Solesmes method, see “Fundamentals of Gregorian Chant” below
Chant recordings sung in proportional rhythm according to the oldest extant manuscripts (YouTube)
Table of Neumes (PDF) - including Metz, St. Gall, Vatican, neography, and modern notations with a summary of principal differences between proportional rhythm and the Solesmes method
Tables for Neumes Other than Metz (Laon) and St. Gall (
Table of Neumatic Elements (PDF); one-page, Gregorian notation without rhythmic markings
Chant Glossary (CCWatershed) and addendum
Written Evidence for the Decline and Loss of the Authentic Traditional Rhythm
The Received Historical Narrative (and An Alternative Narrative)
Discussion of Cardine’s “Is Gregorian Chant Measured Music?”
Antiquarianism? (with an addendum addressing the claims of Matthew Frederes)
Rhythmic Analysis of the Introit Dominus Dixit (PDF)
Critique of the Solesmes Edition of the Offertory Oravi Deum (PDF); includes side-by-side rhythmic comparison in both modern and Gregorian notation
Recommended Reading:
Excerpt from Gregorian Chant according to the Manuscripts by Dom Gregory Murray, O.S.B. (full PDF here)
Summary of “The Rhythm of Gregorian Chant” from Rhythm, Meter and Tempo in Gregorian Chant by Dr. Jan van Biezen; the examples in square notation are available here
Further Reading:
“Tradition of Durational Values in Gregorian Chant" by Arthur Angie (in The Caecilia, 1934, vol. 60, no. 10–11)
Collected Articles on Chant Rhythm by Dom Gregory Murray, O.S.B.
Gregorian Chant: A History of the Controversy Concerning Its Rhythm by John Rayburn
Rhythmic Proportions in Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Chant by Fr. Jan Vollaerts, S.J.
Mensuralism & Historically Informed Performance Practice:
Musicologie Médiévale - bilingual French/English site; free membership
Prof. Luca Ricossa's website (archived articles in French)
a number of Vespers Magnificat antiphons sung proportionally are available in the blog posts here (site in French)
John Blackley's site includes a number chants in proportional rhythm among the audio tracks
under the direction of the late Fr. Roman Bannwart, O.S.B., on Spotify and YouTube; these recordings generally agree with the semi-mensuralist rhythmic theories articulated by Dr. Dirk van Kampen in this article
examples of pre-Solesmes chant styles: Medicean (editio princeps); plain-chant musical (Nivers) with serpent accompaniment; Picard 1 & 2 (another link) with organ accompaniment; Pustet edition with organ accompaniment
Note: Most if not all of the following sites presuppose a “nuanced," non-proportional rhythmic interpretation.
Restored Editions for the Mass:
Graduale Authenticum - the best online resource for viewing the oldest manuscripts
Graduale Synopticum - same edition and numbering as the Graduale Authenticum, with different search options
Introits from the Graduale Novum - triplex edition incorporating the melodic corrections of the AISCGre working group published in the journal Beiträge zur Gregorianik; a PDF specimen of volume I, not 100% in accordance with the printed book, is available for download here (copyright status uncertain!)
Graduale Restitutum - Anton Stingl's duplex edition incorporating the AISCGre melodic corrections, arranged according to the novus ordo Roman calendar; normally the same reading as the Graduale Novum
Offertoriale Restitutum - Anton Stingl's duplex edition with offertory verses
Graduale Renovatum - Royce Nickel's edition; normally the same reading as the Graduale Novum and Graduale Restitutum
Graduale Duplex - Vatican edition (with some melodic corrections) with St. Gall neumes; arranged according to the novus ordo calendar
Graduale Monasteriense I, II, & III - Jens Falk and Michael Greiner's edition incorporating some rhythmic and melodic corrections
Laon 239: Chant Transcriptions in Proportional Rhythm, English & Latin - R. John Blackley's edition
Graduale Lagal - Chris Hakkennes's edition; arranged according to the novus ordo calendar
Several chants in duplex and triplex editions with melodic corrections from the Académie de chant grégorien, Brussels
Neumed Editions without Melodic Corrections:
Graduel Neumé - Solesmes edition, pre-Pius XII, with St. Gall neumes copied by Dom Cardine
Graduale Triplex (copyright status uncertain!)
Restored Editions for the Divine Office:
Antiphonale Synopticum - same edition and numbering as
Antiphonale Duplex - Dr. Edward Schaefer's Vesperale
Antiphonale Monasticum I, II, & III - Solesmes, 2005–7; includes St. Gall neumes for some chants
Liber Hymnarius (another scan here) - Solesmes, 1983; a revised edition, heavily criticized by Prof. Praßl, was published in 2019
Nocturnale Romanum - Peter Sandhofe's beautifully typeset 2002 edition
Nocturnale Romanum project - an attempt to make corrections to Sandhofe's edition
Solesmes Method & Editions:
Fundamentals of Gregorian Chant according to the Solesmes Method
mnemonic for ictus placement: 1's 1 (vertical episema), 2's double (beginning of doubled or tripled note), 3's a group (beginning of a group), 4's full (full or double bar line)
Online Solfege Introduction (Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, FSSP)
Solfege Propers Playlists from Prof. Nicholas Lemme (Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, FSSP)
Repercussion (Rearticulation) according to the Solesmes Method (PDF)
Excerpts from Joseph Robert Carroll's books and Richard Rice's Guide to Singing Chant from The Parish Book of Chant explaining the principle “Always a silent ictus at the full bar"
Preface to the Vatican Edition and Solesmes Rules for Interpretation
Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest Sacred Music Resource Page
Gregorian Books Homepage - includes English edition of Dom Johner's commentary
Saint René Goupil Gregorian Chant Propers (Corpus Christi Watershed)
Liber Usualis in modern notation (1932); 1924 edition here
Communion verses - Psalm 33 in eight modes plus Magnificat and Nunc dimittis
PDF Libraries:
Church Music Association of America Resource Page - includes Liber Usualis, Liber Brevior, Graduale Romanum, etc.
St. Jean de Lalande Library of Rare Books (Corpus Christi Watershed)
Verbum Gloriae - Spanish site with many resources
Sacra Musica - French site with many resources
Church Regulations concerning Chant Editions:
Col Nostro motu proprio of Pope St. Pius X authorizing the Vatican chant edition and permitting the approval of other books only if the variations in the chant come from good manuscripts (paragraph D)
Pietras Dubia & PCED Response (2018) tolerating chant editions and interpretations other than Solesmes/Vatican, no. 24; note that Pérès and his disciples use editions that sometimes differ considerably from the Vatican edition
source & summit Editor (legacy Illuminare Score Editor here and here)
Alex Harter's site - he is working on a Gregorian to modern notation conversion tool
Texts: - includes morphological analysis of the Latin texts and many other valuable resources - Latin psalters
Antiphonale Missarum Sextuplex (PDF) by Dom René-Jean Hesbert, O.S.B.
Scripture Commentary:
Catena Aurea - Gospel commentary from the Fathers of the Church compiled by St. Thomas Aquinas
Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum - Online Archive of Music Theory in Latin
Early music bibliography by Davide Daolmi of the University of Milan, with many PDF links
CalibreLibrary - includes PDFs of a number of books related to sacred music and liturgy
Patrick Williams: organistAL at aol dot com